Kaliyugada Kalpataru Sri Vyasa Raja Yati Sarvabhouma Background

Kaliyugada Kalpataru Sri Vyasa Raja Yati Sarvabhouma Background

Kaliyugada Kalpataru

Fourth Delight

Sri Vyasa Raja Yati Sarvabhouma

1. Background

After the conclusion of the Mahabharata war and the coronation of Dharmaraja, who ruled the entire Bharata Varsha with righteousness, Sri Krishna returned to Dwarka. Baahikarajaru, who was killed by Bhimasena in the Kurukshetra war, reigned in Harivarsha in the form of Prahlada. Time moved on.

Prahlada Raja, every day, cherished the beautiful lotus feet of Lakshmipati (Vishnu) in his heart, practicing knowledge and devotion according to Vedic principles, removing all worldly desires, worshipping the three-eyed Nrukantheerva, and meditating on the greatness of Sri Hari.

One day, sage Narada arrived at Harivarsha. Prahlada, overjoyed, prostrated at his guru's feet and pleaded, "Protect me, protect me, Gurudeva," and praised Narada's virtues, saying, "Swami, your visit today is a special blessing. Guruvarya, please tell me where you have come from and what brings you here."

Hearing Prahlada’s words, Narada, reminiscing about Krishna, exclaimed "Ha Ha Krishna" and was lost in thoughts of Krishna's glory. He forgot where he was and what he was doing. The image of Krishna’s auspicious form was imprinted in his mind. Overwhelmed by the endless virtues and playful activities of Krishna, Narada began dancing joyously, tears of devotion shining like stars in his eyes. He embraced Prahlada and said, "Prahlada, how fortunate we are! Listen, Krishna has spoken to me. He said that to protect the world and perform works of knowledge, He will send Vayu Deva (the Wind God) and me to incarnate on earth. Is there any greater joy than this, Prahlada? We are indeed blessed! Krishna has commanded that both of us should incarnate to serve Him and Vayu Deva. What compassion and love He has for His devotees!" said Narada, bubbling with enthusiasm and joy.

Hearing his guru's words, Prahlada was thrilled. Filled with joy, he requested Narada, "What did you say, Gurudeva? Should we both incarnate in Kali Yuga to serve Sri Hari? Did Krishna command this? Oh, Swami, how blessed we are! Will we get the fortune to serve the great Lord again? I offer my infinite salutations for bringing such joyous news," and he bowed to his guru.

Narada, smiling and overwhelmed with joy, said, "Prahlada, Krishna also told me another amusing and interesting thing. Do you know what it is? In Kali Yuga, I will be born as your disciple! How wonderful is Krishna’s plan and play!" Prahlada, amazed, said, "Gurudeva, what are you saying? How can you become a disciple of someone who is living by your grace?"

Narada, laughing, said, "Can we act against Krishna's will and plans? Our duty is to follow His commands! Remember, Prahlada, in the Kurukshetra war, when you were killed by Bhima's mace, you asked for a boon to serve in the pursuit of knowledge and devotion to the Lord in Kali Yuga. Bhimasena, pleased with your devotion, granted you that boon. Now, the time has come for both of us to incarnate on earth and serve Sri Hari and Vayu. I have come to inform you of Krishna’s command. Be ready for your next incarnation, Prahlada. May you be blessed. Let us, as guru and disciple (laughing), incarnate again, with you as the guru and me as the disciple," and blessing Prahlada, Narada departed from Harivarsha.

Sri Prahlada Raja, constantly remembering Narada’s words, Bhimasena’s boon, and Krishna’s command, waited for his incarnation time in Harivarsha.